Think of a business process in 2020 and chances are that it is in some way affected by digital.

From online banking to processing card payments and from customer service to recruitment, logistics and even facilities management, technology is causing massive disruption but also plenty of opportunities.DNAsix - Digital Coaching ProgrammeYet millions of SMEs lack these basic digital skills and many more will not be able to grow without the necessary knowledge and understanding of the digital processes which now affect many areas of business.

However, we know there are a sizeable number of companies which will either be:

  1. Very ambitious to grow and have a clear vision for achieving this growth, or
  2. Concerned about the future and keen to maintain their profitability and market share

So, we know that all organisations need to acquire digital skills and those that do become more ‘digitally agile’ reap the benefits, but where can they get this vital up-to-the-minute knowledge? 

There are currently a number of solutions and a multitude of people willing to guide businesses in the right direction – business coaches, online marketing consultants, self-appointed social media ‘gurus’, sales professionals and performance coaches.

But in a multi-channel, multi-generational and fast-moving world, it’s critical that organisations have a proper communications strategy, one built on sound business principles but flexible enough to accommodate changes in technology.


How can we help you?

That’s why WSX Enterprise has teamed up with DNAsix to provide an innovative new e-learning programme which helps you deal with any digital pain points and quickly build a realistic communications strategy fit for 2020.

To run a FREE digital health check on your business, visit the DNAsix website below to get started!

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