Press release             Date: September 30th 2020

The Interreg Europe funded project, Everywhere International SMEs (EIS), has reached a successful conclusion.

EIS commenced in March 2017 and builds on the knowledge, that SMEs who internationalise are more robust in times of crises, create more jobs and are more innovative than comparable businesses who do not.

The aim set out by 7 EIS partner regions from across Europe, has been to develop initiatives that improve SMEs’ abilities to export abroad.

Even though the project is now coming to an end, the real impact has just started showing, as Project Manager John Fitzgibbon explains:

“The real value of such a project is to be measured on how it progresses in the period following the project. Several Good Practices have already been identified and are now available to business support organisations throughout the continent to learn from. For the regions participating in the project, learnings are already being implemented and are, as we speak, helping SMEs going abroad.  


Moreover, the partnership has created a structured process -, The GlobalEIS Tool – that has been at the very heart of SME internationalisation initiatives across the regions. These tangible results have already set out an impact-trajectory that points far beyond the project period itself. We are very pleased and proud of our collective results.” 

Senior business development adviser at Central Denmark EU Office, Thomas Steen Hansen, adds to the impact in Central Denmark:

“As the current COVID-19 crisis unfolds, the Good Practices and the structure that the GlobalEIS Tool bring are more important than ever.


A well-running business support system will be a big asset as businesses look to rebound and reestablish their international presence.”

And Thomas continues:

“The current programme to support SME internationalisation in Central Denmark, Global Midt 2.0 has been developed in tandem with the EIS project, and several initiatives and many discussions has been brought forth due to the EIS project.”

Global Midt 2.0 will in the period 2019-2022 support more than 250 SMEs across Central Denmark Region and lead to an increased turnover of 57. mio. EUR.


For more information of the above, contact:
Tarik Kehli,
EU adviser at Central Denmark EU Office;;
+45 22 24 33 30

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