Launch your business with our online start-up tool – Success2Startup

EBP South

To nurture and get budding entrepreneurs on the right track, WSX Enterprise has developed an online start-up tool – Success2Startup. This easy-to-follow journey will take you from evaluating your business idea through to planning your business, attracting customers and financial aspects, and complying with key rules and regulations making sure you launch your business successfully. The tool’s journey can be followed step by step in an easy and structured way, considering aspects of setting up and running a business, using integrated resources such as financial forecasting and business planning. Videos, factsheets and templates compliment all the tools and information needed to set up a business.

Participants are assigned their own business advisor who can monitor their progress on the tool. The steps can be completed independently or in conjunction with their advisor.

Henriette Reinders, programme manager for Inspiring Enterprise and developer of the tool comments:

“We support a wide range of people start their own business, from all walks of life and with different aspirations. They all value the 1 to 1 support from our advisors but appreciate being able to read again what they have discussed in their meetings or picked up at one of our training courses. Keen and motivated, they like getting to grips with the ins and outs of starting their own business and they can do that in their own time and at their own pace using the tool. When we designed the tool, it was important for us to offer guidance at the right level. It is accessible, not academic, easy to navigate and over a cup of tea they can cover and work through the steps on their own.”

The tool guides people though 5 steps:

  • Starting a Business – is it for you?
  • Will it work
  • Attracting customers
  • What about the money?
  • Final Checklist

Feedback has been positive. People appreciate the resources the steps offer, such as videos and factsheets. And when people get stuck with their financial forecasts, for example, they can call in the support of their business advisor.

Progress of the steps and activity can be monitored. We can check time spent using the tool, see the use of resources as well as monitor areas participants avoid.

The tool is currently available to participants of the WSX start-up project Inspiring Enterprise and is part of the Transformational Business Support Portal.

If you want to find out more and access the tool, please contact

WSX Enterprise 

A non-profit organisation WSX Enterprise runs a wide range of projects delivering business support in the UK as well as working with partners in Europe. As some examples, our projects support access to financedigital skillsstart-up guidance, and general business advice. Our team includes a wide range of business advisors from a breadth of industry experience supporting small and medium-sized businesses across our region.

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