Mobile Business Advice

Pop-up Business Support for 18-24 year olds, in the BCP Council (Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole) area.

Mobile Business Advice Partners

Commercialise your Side Hustle?

BCP area support for students and young people aged 18-24 years old.

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How can we help?

Targeting entrepreneurial and ambitious 18–24-year-olds to start up their business will add to the economy bouncing back.

Research suggests that 83% of this age group have ambitions of self-employment.

20,000 students graduating a year in the Bournemouth and Poole area have the potential to start up and add to the local BCP economy.

This project will increase employment and finance in the sector, we will signpost to Start-Up loans businesses increasing local turnover and profitability.


Map - Area of support for Mobile Business Advice

Where is support offered?

The Mobile Business Advice support programme, is available in the BCP Council area.