WSX Enterprise launches Transformational Business Support

WSX Enterprise has launched an exciting new scheme to supercharge and support our nation of small businesses.

The Transformational Business Support programme is open to individuals with a business idea as well as existing start-up ventures and other SMEs employing up to 250 people.

The help is available on an affordable annual subscription or one-off payment with online access to more than 200 video tutorials plus weekly drop-in sessions and one-to-one support from expert mentors and advisors.

A key aim is to reach people with business ideas who feel excluded from other avenues of support and may be deterred from starting a venture due to fears over the current economic outlook.

Peter Grant, WSX Enterprise Chief Executive, said:

 “With inflation at a 40-year high, the cost of doing business seems to be rising almost every month right now.

Transformational Business Support is all about providing essential tools and resources for the people behind the 5.6 million businesses in the UK, the backbone of our economy.

They are the sole traders, hairdressers, plumbers, builders, therapists, food and drink producers, craftspeople, tattooists, mechanics, painters and decorators, and so on. 

The scheme is open to students with a business idea alongside their courses, unemployed workers seeking to invest their redundancy settlements in new careers, would-be influencers ready to monetize their YouTube channels and business hobbyists keen to supplement their main income to cope with the cost-of-living crisis.

We are truly a nation of small businesses, many of whom could become world-class with the right support in place.

And we want to do our bit to supercharge them.”

The video tutorial library, amassed and updated under various WSX Enterprise programmes, encompasses a huge range of essential business requirements.

Subjects include marketing, time management, financial planning, automation, website design, cyber security, social media, how to build a personal brand and how to carry out SWOT analysis.

Among the businesses already helped by WSX Enterprise is Kent food business Pasta Rasta.

Co-founder Henry Horton said:

“The advice and support available enable you to think strategically in order to turn your attention to growth and what you want to achieve for your business.

We wouldn’t have gotten this far without the help from WSX Enterprise.  

I recommend their support to anyone looking to start a new business or grow an existing one.”   

WSX Enterprise 

A non-profit organisation WSX Enterprise runs a wide range of projects delivering business support in the UK as well as working with partners in Europe. As some examples, our projects support access to financedigital skillsstart-up guidance, and general business advice. Our team includes a wide range of business advisors from a breadth of industry experience supporting small and medium-sized businesses across our region.

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