We aim to increase women’s participation in the labour market by improving educators and trainers’ entrepreneurial training skills and competencies.

Co-funded by Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education.

What is the WOMIN project?

The WOMIN Project is an exciting new initiative that was launched in February 2021.

The Project is co-funded by Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education. The aim of the Project is to increase women’s participation in the labour market by improving educators and trainers’ entrepreneurial training skills and competencies.

We are very pleased to say that WSX Enterprise is one of six Partners participating in the Project and will be working alongside colleagues from the following countries: The Netherland – Make a Dream Publishing Ltd and PROWORK, Lithuania –  ZISPB, Turkey – BOSEV, Romania – BUCOVINA.

The Project proposes to develop two main outputs which are: IO1 – WOMIN Entrepreneurship Training Programme For Educators & Trainers and IO2 – Digital Toolkit and Webinars.


Within the first output each Partner, depending on a country, will be in charge of different subject areas e.g. upskilling trainers to improve entrepreneurial skills or improving competencies amongst women minority groups such as migrants and refugees.

WSX together with Make a Dream Publishing Ltd, PROWORK and ZISPB will design and deliver training to their own staff, trainers and associate Partners who will then deliver workshops and coaching to disadvantaged women furthest from the labour market.

The second output of the Project will help to put together a digital toolkit and webinar materials that would be available to both trainers and women who need support in their journey towards employment or entrepreneurship.

The EU Commission website on pages dedicated to “Women’s situation in the labour market” states that women work more part-time, are paid less and often still carry out the bulk of private domestic and care responsibilities.

Therefore entrepreneurship initiatives amongst women play an essential part in creating new job opportunities and in improving the local economy.  

We hope that the WOMIN Project, which will end in October 2022,  will contribute towards this development allowing more women to be active in the field of entrepreneurship and self-employment.

United Kingdom

  • 72% female population and 84% male population employed
  • 9% wage gap
  • 1 in 3 start – ups are initiated by women

Women's situation in the labour market

Even if employment rates for women have risen, they are still lagging behind those of men.

Women work more part-time, are paid less, and often still carry out the bulk of private domestic and care responsibilities.

WOMIN Entrepreneurship: Self employment is it for me

This entrepreneurship workshop asks and answers a lot of questions so that WSX’s beneficiaries make an informed choice when it comes to creating their own enterprise.

Watch the video below 👇

Events Info

Stakeholder Event 21st November 2022

Multiplier Event of  WOMIN project at WSX 

The multiplier event occurred on Monday 21st November at 10 am in the Aldershot Enterprise Centre.

The event allowed a summary of the successes of the programme as well as a discussion about its future beyond the project’s end date at the end of November 2022.

The project’s aim was to bring unemployed women closer to employment and self-employment. The programme delivery was focused on social and digital skills.

During the multiplier event which was attended by local stakeholders and those interested in the topic of women in self-employment, WSX WOMIN trainers shared their experience and knowledge gained during the programme’s delivery. There were over 30  stakeholders participating including local stakeholders and the general public interested in the topic of WOMIN in self-employment.

The participants were able to learn how to empower women and how to encourage them to be self-employed. They were also sign-posted to valuable resources. 

Over 2 busy years, there were several training sessions delivered to women by four WSX coaches. The topics included: communication, self-employment, critical thinking, networking, digital tools, social entrepreneurship and social economy.

The modules allowed women to gain the skills and confidence needed in their journey towards financially independent lives.

WOMIN in Entrepreneurship Flyer


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